husband health habits

Sorry I need to vent! My husband works crazy hours, he did it even before we started dating 3 years ago for the final time. And I appericate him working cuz he pays for us to have a roof over our head and literally everything else. My problem is I can  only handle this sick thing so much. He got me sick twice while I was pregnant and now he got our son sick. My problem isn't that he is getting sick it's that he waits till the very last possible moment to do anything even though he knows it's coming. He only eats once a day and it's never any veggies even though I cook them. I've bought him multiple bottles of vitamins to help keep his body in a semi working hour. I make sure he gets as much sleep as possible. But I can't force him to actually take better care of himself and it drives me nuts. I know that there is no guarantee he won't get sick but he could try to take better care of himself even for the simple fact of when you work that much your body gets worn down and needs more than a few hours of sleep and one semi meal a day. Ugh!! Ok now that being sad he does everything for us and I love him to pieces and he is a great provider! I am so lucky to have him in my life