Please Read. Decreased movement at 33+5. Anybody else experience this?

Miah • New Mommy👶🏻 Happy Wife💍 Small Business Owner🚚 Sunshine State☀️ Puppy Lover🐺
Hey guys and gals :)
I am 33+5 and in the last two days, I went from feeing consistent kicks/punches all day long, to barely more than a handful a day. I've also been feeling pain, but not the normal stretching/growing pains. Something like a stabbing pain.
I went to labor and delivery and they did a stress test and they told me that those pains are contractions. They sent me home with the instructions to eat, sleep, and count kicks.
I counted kicks (on my left side) for two hours and only counted 4. I fell asleep, woke up, and ate again to try counting again. It's now been 45 minutes and I haven't felt a single kick.
Is this normal? Am I crazy?! I know my baby and I know that what I've felt these last two days is dramatically different from what I've learned of him these last 33 weeks...  
Thanks in advance. I'd appreciate if anyone can answer. I know it's annoying to reply to a post and get a thousand notifications but I think any response can truly help me feel better, or help another on experiencing the same thing to fee better. After all, what is this app for if not to support, educate, and help each other out? 