Changing due date !?

Hello! So my original scan (8 weeks & 12week NT scan) I've been told that my due date is the 1st of Feb 17. That is also what the doctor has based it on from my last period. 
However when I went to my 20 week Morph scan, he said he was measuring the baby's due date as the 7th of Feb ( a week later ) and stated that the first scans generally aren't as accurate due to the fetal position I believe he said. So then my dr started basing my due date as the 7th instead of the 1st..
I went to my first antenatal appointment yesterday and the midwife advised they always go from the date of the original scan and the NT scan. 
So I know it's only a week difference and baby could come earlier or later to what they say anyway, but just after some thoughts if this has happened to anyone else and what date would you base it on!? 
Many thanks 😊