To the Women (Or should I call you girls?£

To the women on this app (or should I call you girls?)
I come on this app most days and all I say is you putting eachotger down? Seriously? Putting 13 year olds down for asking questions! We should be answering them not shaming them! We should be teaching our young people. We're the same gender. They obviously felt more comfortable asking us than their parents. You don't know they could be from a single father! 
Yet we bitch and we take things out of context and we act like young teenagers. What does that make us look like? What reputation does it give this app? "Don't ask girls on their they'll just take the piss or shame you".
Seriously you are suppsed to be WOMEN. You brag and preach about being about women and feminists (another story for another time) but you are not treating these younger girls as equal? We're treating them like the court idiots.