So fed up. Seriously grow up!

I'm so beyond fed up of seeing all these posts bashing women for some of the decisions they are making.
Firstly let me start by stating that every pregnancy is different, every woman is different and every situation is different. I've seen so many judgy women on here going in on others without knowing there situation!! 
Inductions. That seems to be all that's being posted about lately. You don't know the reason for that induction, some have personal circumstances surrounding their decision and before slating them their doctor (a medical professional) has agreed to carry out an induction therefore it is safe to do so. I'm personally being induced due to a previous stillbirth last year, my doctor doesn't want to me to go past 38 weeks. Bet you didn't think about any of this if you just read i was being induced at 38 weeks. You were too busy being judgy.
Secondly, breastfeeding. DAMN i can't deal with all the bashing posts of women slating other women!! It's THEIR decision to breastfeed or formula feed. The benefits blah blah blah.. if that baby is being FED that's all that matters. There is probably a million reasons behind that decision, there is no reason for you to put other women down for not breastfeeding. I personally am not breastfeeding due to the medication i am currently on to save my baby & my life. But nope you didn't read past the 'i'm not breastfeeding' because yet again your already judging.
I can't deal with the small percentage of women who feel they have the right to make others feel like absolute shit on their decisions. When that decision is based on their own circumstances. I'm not saying everyone is the same and most of the ladies on here are absolutely lovely! But there's just that small percentage who think they are the bees knees and that their opinion is right and if you don't let your baby go overdue or breastfeed your a bad mother. So please move your judgy ass along, take a look at your own life before passing judgement.
Sorry for my rant, but i'm a very hormonal pregnant lady at the minute 😅
I'm gunna take my non breastfeeding inducing ass back to bed, and eat as much shit as i want before being induced on wednesday. See ya 🖕🏼