Always 26 days... Now its not.

This is only our 3rd cycle TTC but every cycle so far has been 26 days long (had an IUD before so no cycle to say how long it was). Also the two months I did track ovulation and temps i ovulated day 13. I didn't track temps or use OPK this month however Glow made my cycle 28 days and thinks I ovulated about 4 days later than I think. My cycle has felt weird these past two weeks but I am very confused now... According to me I'm 2 days late (so far only negative tests) but according to Glow it should just start today. But at the same time... Does it matter? As long as AF doesn't show her ugly face we just keep holding out hope. I have one more dollar store cheapie test for tomorrow first pee of the day and if it's still negative and no signs of AF by Wednesday I'll go buy a FRER or a better test anyway. I think I just needed to get this out with others who may understand what I'm feeling like. Fingers still crossed for a July 2017 baby