Is Anyone Familiar With Bleaching Hair?

I dyed my hair woth clairol Natural Instincts numerous time but stopped since last year. I've used color oops many times on it since then and my hair is SO pourous that the red hues have only lightened amd will not go away at this point. 
I want to try and go blonde, so i want to either go to a salon or use bkue bleach at home on it- but i am afraid of how different itll look if i bleach the red vs my virgin hair. I would be willing to try more of an ombre type of thing closer to my scalp too and just leave most of the virgin hair alone. 
My hair is naturally light brown with blonde highlights to begin with. Im also familiar with how bleach works and how to use it- i just do NOT want half my head brassier than the other.
Any ideas/tips for me? Or should i just save up to let a salon do it? Im sick of this red 😰🙏🏻