Feeling like I'm All baby!


I just gotta see if any other momma's are feeling like me so I know I'm not alone here. Lol. I am currently 36 weeks and 3 days along (pics are from yesterday at 36 +2) and I'm feeling like it's all baby at this point. No idea how big this little man will be yet but while I was in the hospital for the preterm labor at 33 weeks they did an ultrasound and estimated he was 4 lbs 12 oz. So I have no clue how accurate that is, his percentile or if that is average for 33 weeks but I Feel huge and kinda worried our little Luke will be a huge baby. (Partly because my MIL and my husband tease about how my hubby was 10 (almost 11 lbs) when he was born so they make comments about how "Luke's gonna be huge." OR "Hes gonna be a 10 pounder and destroy you." 😯) I know that doesn't mean much But that along with all the comments I'm getting from everyone from family and friends to complete strangers saying how I'm huge, am I sure it's just 1 baby, wow he's gonna be a big boy, you are about ready to burst! So now I'm getting paranoid/ scared getting so close to DD. My other 3 boys (from previous realtion) were all "average weight" when they were born.

My 8 yr old, and my oldest, Tyler, was born at 41 weeks and weighed 7 lbs. 14.5 oz.

My 6 yr old, and second son, Corbin, was born at 35 weeks 5 days and weighed 6 lbs 2 oz.

And lastly my 3 year old, and my youngest until baby arrives, Aiden, was born at 37 weeks and weighed 6 lbs. 10 oz.

So they were all small/average sized babies. I'm just worried this little one is going to end up 10 lbs and I won't be able to get him out! Lmao 😂

I know, it sounds silly I'm sure but any other momma's worried about something similar as DD approaches?

I just want a happy healthy baby first and foremost of course, just preferably one I can naturally give birth to how I'd like too.