Anyone experience this during sex? Did my water break?

So, I just need ONE more outlet of reassurance 🙄 I'm 38w2d and last night we were having sex - I was on top sitting straight up and he stopped me and said "UM, I think your water just broke?!" So I freaked, got up and there was a huge wet spot on the bed under him, and a little coming out of me still when I stood all the way up. By the time I made it to the bathroom it had practically stopped. Nothing really came out after that. 
I obviously have googled the hell out of this AND called the on call doctor as soon as it happened. She didn't seem too concerned and said if I didn't continue to leak throughout the night it was honestly probably lady juices from sexy time 😂 I don't think I'm having contractions or anything, but I also am totally weird about that too - I'm a FTM with a high pain tolerance so I'm always afraid I won't even know! 
Anyway - sorry for the long winded story/question - but has anyone else experienced this? I know I'm capable of gspot ejaculation, but I didn't even orgasm or anything yet as we were only like 2 minutes in?! Should I be concerned? My next appt isn't until Friday. Thanks! 😬