BFP x3...I guess that means it's real?!?!

Amanda • 35 | Vivian Lee 9/11/2017 & Henry Lee 4/24/2019 👧🏼💗💙👶🏻
OMG!!! 😳 I guess this means I'm pregnant?!?!?  I'm kinda worried about the vvvvvfl on the First Response though 😬 do digitals ever lie?  I feel like the First Response is the least convincing of the 3 LOL and it's supposed to detect early. 
I'm about 16-17dpo. I tested last Wednesday and Friday with First Response only and got what I thought was a vvvvvvfl but wasn't convinced due to all the faint positives I kept reading about. 
So I did it again this AM and it was the same looking line!!! Shouldn't it be progressing?? 😞 so then I did the Clear Blue Plus and the 2nd line started appearing immediately though faint too. Then I was like "F THIS" and just pulled out the digital 😂. Digital doesn't lie right?!?! 🤔. And isn't First Response the most sensitive?? Why is that one the least convincing?
Anyway I hope just cause it's super early!! Maybe I ovulated a day later than I thought I did. I just know when I had peak OPK. I'm a worrier so I'm gonna try not to worry. I wanna share obviously with my husband when we both get home from work but I hope these aren't false positives. I think I'm gonna pick up a few more different tests after work just to double check. *fingers crossed*
And good luck to all ✨👶🏻✨
This is what it says online. I guess I'm still considered "1 day before my period". 
I would wait and keep testing to make sure it gets darker but I think it would literally kill me to keep this a secret from my husband. It was hard enough for 1 hour this AM 🤐 hahhahaha. 

There are several early pregnancy tests that can be used 1 day before your expected period.

Accuracy rate of some early detection tests range from 87%-95%.