
This whole pregnancy was very unplanned and sudden, somewhat unwanted cuz me and my SO just moved in together and I have a 3 year old daughter that's not his. I recently left my job and got a new one, but I did NOT know I was pregnant at the time. I had gotten a new truck and started working there then found I was pregnant and then I told them and they FIRED me. I tried so hard thru my pregnancy to find a job, yes I have a college degree.. Still couldn't find a damn job. My truck got repossessed. I worked so hard being a single mom before I got my man. Went to college and had a great job making good money. Nobody would hire me being pregnant, even fast food! I ended up having to get food stamps, which I do NOT want nor am I ok with having to use them but I only got em because of my daughter. My SO is the only one working and we struggle so much paying bills and trying to get stuff for the baby. :( i wish I could help him out, on top of having a high risk pregnancy and in and out of the hospital... Having my mom take me to my appts cuz I have no car and my SO cannot miss work. I'm so sick of having to depend on others. I'm very independent and a hard worker. This year has been so horrible... Needless to say I'm ready for this pregnancy to end so I can get back to work. I'm not proud of my situation and i feel like the worst mother and I'm completely embarrassed to have to have people helping me. I had a good job and was very stable at the beginning and now i have nothing. Hope these last few weeks go quick. I just wanna cry cuz my family has suffered so much... Be thankful for your riches and wealth. One day it can vanish.