baby won't take bottle anymore

Jessie 🌛 • Celine 💕❤️
So me and my boyfriend want to have our first 'night out' with some friends. When my baby was born she took the bottle and boob fine but I haven't given her a bottle since she was about a month and now at 3 months she won't take it anymore 😔 my SIL says to let her get very hungry and then she'll learn to take it but I wouldn't feel right basically letting her starve.. I've tried giving it to her everyday for a week , her dad has tried, I've been in the room and out, I've tried starting off with boob then unlatching then inserting bottle and nothing works. She makes faces and just squirms away from it. 
Anyone have any luck in a similar situation ? Tips please ?
I would looooove to have a night out. We were planning on taking her but then my mom insisted she babysits her 😁😁😁