After being admitted to the hospital for high blood pressure, following a routine doctors appt, they...

After being admitted to the hospital for high blood pressure, following a routine doctors appt, they decided to induce me at 38 weeks 3 days. Started out with placing cervadil on my cervix to ripen it and the next day I was almost a 1. Then they used a balloon catheter to try and open it more, which absolutely sucks by the way. Later that day they took it out and I was about a 4. She then did a membrane sweep and tried using her fingers to try and push the cervix apart more. Hurt like hell too. Started pitocin for the rest of the day to try and get things started. Didn't really do that much so they decided to break my water the next day and start pitocin all over again. Started getting super painful contractions so I opted for an epidural. Around 3:00 am following morning doc checks cervix and haven't progressed so she said best option would be a c section. I was of course bummed since I had been trying to have a vaginal birth for 60 plus hours. All that hard work for nothing. As soon as they stopped the pitocin the contractions stopped as well, so I hadn't even been in labor at all. The 6 1/2 pound baby I was told I would have turned out to be a 9 pound 9 0z baby! So super glad in reality I got the c section cuz I couldn't imagine pushing him out. He was worth all the "trouble" tho 😁