so angry

Well I was suppose to go to my obgyn today for my first appointment with our rainbow baby, we'll not anymore. It's so hard to find appointments right now and the one doctor I went to with my first pregnancy says he feels underqualified to help us and to find someone else who can help us.... My first pregnancy i had 2 gestational sac but no babies soon after I miscarried. So he claims I'm high risk. I had to go to the ER yesterday because I was vomiting uncontrollably and so dehydrated, the Dr gave me zofran which helped wonderfully and he also ordered a long ultrasound I got to see everything l, my little bean is holding on tight and looks to be frowning well. I'm about 6 weeks 5 days now and this pregnancy has gone a whole lot better than my first and when I saw there was actually something in there I was filled with joy I didn't see that with my first. I don't believe in high risk but I do remember the dr that's refusing to see me told me that it's common for a womens first pregnancy to lead to miscarriage so why would he say that and then tell us he feels underqualified for a high risk pregnancy. I'm so upset about this I feel like it's my fault and it's driving me insane 😫😒😞