
Okay..so I've never spoke to anyone about this before....in June last year a guy friend had a group of friends round his house for a bbq and then afterwards we slept in a tent in his garden. At the time I had a boyfriend who I had been with for around a year and we had had sex before but never been allowed to like sleep with eachother. 
Everyone had gone to bed and were asleep and he started trying it on with me, touching me and trying to put his hands down my trousers. I obviously felt uncomfortable as although we were in a seperate compartment in the tent, there were still people near so I didn't want to do anything with him...also he had cheated on me not long before this and so I just didn't feel right letting him touch me. 
I told him to stop and that I didn't want to but he pulled down my trousers and carried on touching me. I forced his hands off of me and pushed him away but he still kept going back. I kept telling him to stop but he wasn't listening and I didn't want to be too loud as I was scared I would wake other people up and they would hear..I wish I had now...
I was laying with my back to him and he came up close behind me pushing against me. He pulled my underwear out of the way and pushed himself inside me, I was scared and didn't know what to do without waking people up. I pushed him off again but he just kept trying. ..I guess I just left him for a minute or so hoping it would be over soon but tried one last time pushing him off and he just gave up that time. ...is this still rape? I guess I wasn't as forceful as I could have been as I was scared other people would notice but I still made it clear I didn't want it..
His excuse was that he was excited about our first time sleeping next to each other. 
I still feel violated and think about it regularly..it haunts me and feels like because of this he still has a hold over me even though we broke up over a year ago. 
Sorry it's so long..

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