Marriage or no?

So my boyfriend and I have been together for 2 1/2 years. We have a daughter together and both honestly intend on spending the rest of our lives together. We've talked about it many times and in fact he's asked me when he found out I was pregnant but he doesn't want to get married. His reason used to be that he wants to make sure we can stand each other living together and we've been living together for a year. I didn't think I wanted to get married but now it just makes sense to me. I love this man more than anyone else on this planet aside from our daughter. He is everything to me. Our life isn't easy but with him I'd gladly conquer every challenge. Especially considering I had a run in with near death recently and all I could think was that I'd never see them again. I want everyone on this planet to know that this man is MINE and I am HIS. I don't want anyone to ever underestimate our love simply because we are *just dating* I want to commit myself to him in front of everyone soul I know and promise to never hurt him. I want him to be my husband. I know he loves me as well and he wants to stay with me and be a family. How can I convey this to him or maybe find a compromise that isn't marriage but still gives us both what we want?