
So I have missed my period for two months after stopping my birth control due to not having insurance. Well I've had protected sex but anything could have happened. Last month I took a test it was negative so I thought I wasn't but I still am missing my period. I told my boyfriend about all of it, he still thought I was. Due to our age and everything I know we aren't ready for kids. But he psyched me out into thinking I was and being excited about the possibility of it. Yesterday I walked myself to the store got another test and took it.. I was so heart broken when I read the negative. And then he wonders why I tried so hard to debunk the possibility of kids... it's because of this. I'm so sad about it. I want kids eventually. I really really do, I understand that right now isn't the time for them. But those few little moments of the possibility of myself being wrong was almost magical until I realized I was right.