Unsure 😣

7 years ago I had a miscarriage at 12 weeks, it was very painful. I have a 2 year old daughter, my pregnancy and birth were very straight forward with no complications. After 1 year of teying On the 8th of September I got a positive pregnancy test. Had a scan on the 15th and they said it was too early to see anything other than the sac. Had another scan 2 weeks later and could see a heartbeat. 9 days ago I started have brown stringy dicharge which was consistent everyday I presumed I was miscaring. Last night I went to the toilet and it felt like passing the placenta after a baby and looked like a big clot. I've miscarried again. My partner does seemed bother at all. Just carries on like normal and doesn't understand why I'm upset? He has other children which he doesn't see. I really want another one but I'm starting to think I should just give up and be happy with the 1 child I have 😢