Am I alone? Feeling list


We lost our baby October 5th. As of today I am still bleeding and dealing with all yhe ups and downs. I have a wonderful doctor who has set out time lines and a game plan for trying again plus when I get positive test. I am greatful for this. However, I am experiencing alot of challenges legs hurt from my hips to my feet, my moods are all over the place, even hearing. Baby breath the waterfalls start. My other half was great the first week, and I really beleive he thinks I should be back to normal right now all kittens and rainbows. Well that is not happening. I am waiting for my blood work to come back about my pain. Had my 2 week after loss ultrasound yesterday and everything looked good, minus no end in sight for the bleeding to stop :(

I guess what I am seeking in advice, shared experience from other women who have delt with the loss and how they are coping, I really just need to know Im not alone in this and we will all be alright. Might I add October has been the longest month of my life!