I hope he's cheating ......not really but still

Shira • Trying to be half the parent my dad was.

So, my husband and I have had a good sex life. Granted it was hectic because he worked days and me nights, but still we got it in when we could and made it work.

Since I've become pregnant though my sex drive is dam near pornographic. I can go 2-3 times a day, sheesh I could that just in the morning. And in the beginning it was awesome. Yes its been a stressful pregnancy for the family as a whole. Alot of thimgs happened that affected all of us that hasn't made this easy going. For the most part we banded together and pushed through and it has gotten better. Yet even through the hardest of it all we were still bunny hopping. Yet I'm now 36 weeks and he hasn't touched me since I was about 18 weeks. When I say no touching he wouldn't even snuggle or flirt. I'm lucky I got a drive by kiss. It was gradual at first until i hit about 5 months then stopped altogether. Ile he just stopped pretending. He been sleeping downstairs for months now while I sleep in our room. When I asked why it was because his back hurts and the incline of his chair helps the pain. I bought it until these past 3 weeks. I haven't been able to sleep and I come down stairs for water and he's sleeping on the couch and even caught him sleeping in our guest room bed. The only time he's cuddles and love is if he's been drinking. Which if you got to get tipsy/drunk to touch me or want to hold me then just dont. Its a pull my hair out mentally situation. I've talked, argued, cried, harrassing, appealed but nothing. Then I get the guilt trip for pressuring him and I should feel bad because I made him feel bad WTF. He says he doesn't want to hurt me because he can only get off doing to it rough. Um bull yes we've gotten rough but that's not all and it sure isn't the only way you get off.

I'm already self conscious and feeling low emotionally because of the stress i mentioned earlier and him not wanting me has just added to it. No sex isn't everything but basically no affection until I beg and even then it's like a forced hindrance. I can't. I honestly rather have him cheating than not wanting me. I'm not saying I want him to cheat or be cheating but emotionally my garbled brain will accept that easier (not better) than him just not wanting me or finding me unattractive.

Rant over.