The Internet is very scary!


So, this is my first. My doctor won't see me until 8 weeks - which part of me understands - but I wish is was more common to see first-timers earlier. I am an emotional wreck. Despite the fact that I've had nothing more than mild cramping and no bleeding at all, I can't get the thought of what could go wrong out of my head. I know the stats for miscarriages are actually a lot lower than one would expect and there isn't much I can do anyway, but it just seems that everywhere I look are horror stories and the worst happening. I'm finding it hard to get excited. I will feel so much better when I get an ultrasound and can just see that it is implanted in the uterus. That alone would take one fear off of the table. The nursing staff at my OB are great and answer all of questions and don't make me feel dumb, but insurance won't cover an US until week 8. I'm 6 now. I found out before my missed period, so this wait seems like forever. I wish now I had lied and said I had no idea how far along I was. :(

I have some background in developmental bio as well and I work in neuroscience. This actually doesn't help at all as I think of every step that could go wrong. I know I'm being irrational, but I'm a nervous person to start with.

Anyway, I just wanted to rant my feelings somewhere. My husband is super excited and I don't want to be a downer to him. His excitement does help me sometimes.