Ectopic pregnancy

I found out i was pregnant for the first time oct 3rd . When i was 5 weeks (oct 14th) i was at work (luckily a hospital) started experiencing pain so bad that I almost passed out. The did ultra sounds and cane in and told me it was a ectopic pregnancy and my right tube a ruptured. So emergency surgery it was . So face forward to now just over 1 week later . Im having thoughts if i even want to try again . I know my husband wants a child and our parents was so hapoy to become grandparents but im scared. Im sacred that this will happen again and i will lose my other tube . My dad even offered to pay for <a href="">ivf</a> if i wanted it . But the doctor told me this came from my past trauma surgery i had when i got set up and jumped by people. that makes it harder the fact that im still have health issues because of those people.