World without Women

Rachel • Glow Community Manager

Here's a cool thing we've been talking about here in Glow HQ today:

Have you ever wondered what would happen if all the women went on strike? In 1975, Iceland found out, when the women of Iceland went on strike- or as they called it, "took a day off".  90% of women took part. Businesses across the country were forced to close. Many fathers found themselves overwhelmed with the responsibility of taking care of home, kids, and work (as a result, the day was often refered to as "the long Friday")

 "Things went back to normal the next day, but with the knowledge that women are as well as men the pillars of society," she says. "So many companies and institutions came to a halt and it showed the force and necessity of women - it completely changed the way of thinking."

So here's an interesting question: How do you think your family, job, and area would fare if all the women took a leaf from Iceland's book and played hooky for day? I can tell you the Glow offices would be shut down :)