Pyogenic Granuloma

Has anyone else had this during pregnancy, postpartum or otherwise? I was diagnosed with this  by my dermatologist today. Basically I have an enormous, hideous skin lesion right on my face. It looks absolutely disgusting and I'm worried it's going to leave a permanent scar :( Apparently sometimes pregnant or postpartum women get them due to hormones. My dermatologist wants me to take the antibiotic Minocycline for a week, but I read that it might be bad for babies if taken longer than 3 weeks. (I'm exclusively breastfeeding my 3-month old). I'm waiting to hear back from my LO's pediatrician if she thinks I should take it. I'm so upset about it because there is no easy way to get rid of it and no guarantee it won't leave a scar. Anyone else have any experience with this?