relationship help):

My boyfriend and i have been together two and a half years. i'm 20, he's 18. we've been through so much together! he's my best friend and i love him with all of my heart. about a month ago, he cheated on me and lied about it - but of course i found out. this isn't the first time he's cheated, but this is the only time he admitted to it. he begged me to stay with him so i did. this morning, we got into an argument because he was still texting his ex girlfriend even after i told him to block her. and to add on to my already tough decision, he just wrecked his car last weekend and his parents are beyond pissed at him...needless to say i'm the only positive thing in his life right now. i've come to the point (especially after this morning) that i'm just over all the drama, tears, anxiety, and mental abuse. i love him and don't want to ever be without him, but i can't keep doing this. and i don't want to add to his already terrible week!! please help, any and all advice is welcome :(