Pregnant after Chlamydia

Hey everyone, I had chlamydia in 2014 from an unfaithful partner of 3.5 years. Since I wanted to save myself for a little while longer, he figured he could get it from my high school best friend, according to her he had slept with a few people that night so there is no telling who actually had it first. I kept it from my parents because they are super Christian, but I had to tell them because the pain started to get unbearable and I got sick at school and almost passed out. My mom took me to the doctor and they did blood and urine for pregnancy. But at the last minute they did one more tube for STD's. And 2 days later I was shunned by my whole family and lost all of my freedom (not that I blame them, it was my fault for giving in to him on my 17th birthday). I was sent away to live with my aunt for the summer, labeled the school whore, forced to take therapy 2 times a week. But after 3 rounds of treatment, I was cleared. My fiance and I, have been trying to conceive for some time now... but no results. Have any of you ladies- or someone that you know - successfully carried a baby after having Chlamydia?