Probably pregnant

I'm on CD 19 and pretty sure I ovulated on CD 6 or 7 because my cycles have been CRAZY short lately (we're talking 21-24 days long, ugh). Since I'm probably at the end of my cycle my CM should be pretty dry and almost non-existent. Right? But instead I have copious amounts of eggwhite CM tinged with a little bit of blood. 
Of course, I'll take a pregnancy test in a few days if I don't get my period, but is this sounding pretty pregnant to anyone else??
Other symptoms: sick, I've had a bad cold all week. Low grade fever (99.1-99.5 all week), weepy all the damn time, extreme exhaustion.
I know you all can't tell me if I'm pregnant or not, just hoping for a little support and some stories about how you felt before you got your BFP.