OB keeps forgetting to do things.

I'm so tired of my OB, and honestly if I wasn't 39 weeks I would switch from her. I will be having a voluntary induction on November 1, one day before my due date. I will be doing this because I am not effaced or dilated at all after doing exersize everyday, eating pineapple, and drinking raspberry tea. I don't have any contractions, therefore I'll be having an induction. Today she told me that the hospital I'm delivering at is very busy and my induction needs to be made as soon as possible, and that she will have them call me today, so I can save the date she wants me to have. But, once again, she just forgot. She didn't even put it in anywhere that I was scheduled to induce. (I can look at her notes online) and I'm so tired of her doing this. In the past I was having high blood pressure and she just forgot to put in the perscription for the medication I HAD to have, and then she was magically on vacation for a few days after that, and I couldn't get my medication until almost a week later. The other time, she had to request I have an ekg done because of constant heart palpitations, and she also forgot to do that! She said it was urgent and didn't even put anything in so that the hospital could call me and make me an appointment. I'm so tired of her doing this. Her office is already closed and I still have no call from the hospital, leading me to believe she once again just didn't put a note in or contact them. What should I do?