Hoping for a D and C

I feel a little guilty for posting this but I'm hoping I don't miscarry naturally and have a d and C. I know natural is best but I've been through a miscarriage and I don't want to deal with the pain again. On Monday I found out at a 11 week appointment that my baby stopped growing at 8 weeks. It died 2 days after a healthy ultrasound. It's Thursday and I've had light spotting on and off. I'm scheduled for a d and C Monday and I really want to make it until then.. I want a clean slate, I don't want to go through all the pain and bleeding.. I don't want to wait weeks for my hormone levels to drop back down... I just want it done on Monday, and be done with it all... has anyone ever been where I'm at? Where they would rather have the procedure than deal with all the pain and mess that comes with a natural miscarriage?
Has anyone had spotting and not miscarried on their own? We lost our first at 6 weeks, and this one was at 8.5 weeks so I'm afraid it's going to be worst than the first with more to pass.