How much does a baby REALLY cost??

Hubby and I want a baby and we believe we are financially set in life. Together we make 55k a year and pretty soon (2 years or less) my husband will make that much on his own. I've been doing research and finding everything I would need for a baby. And I mean NEED. necessity only. For instance a diaper genie or a diaper bag are not necessities in my eyes. You can use a backpack or old purse (I've got plenty) and a garbage can with a lid. So I've been finding all the products I would need personally and finding the most affordable ones with the best reviews. My total for the first year of having a baby came to less than 2000$ for the first year. 
(Cloth diapers, breast feeding, blending up what we have for dinner without any spices when baby gets to solid foods and no babysitter/daycare)
Even if hubby and I were to go a little more luxurious and spend a little more or get a few more items it would be 3000$ a year. That's truly not a lot. But when I go online articles everywhere are saying that you'll spend 10,000$ in the first year. But when you look at their breakdown of cost they're including food, gas, rent/mortgage, utilities etc. I ALREADY PAY THOSE WITHOUT HAVING A BABY. Maybe they'll go up a little bit their total price shouldn't count towards how much a baby costs- just the difference.  Not to mention the tax break you get for having a dependent! So I'm curious how much you guys estimated you actually spent the first war of your babies life ON YOUR BABY. 
No this is not a mommy war. No this is not an excuse to brag about how great you made your babies life or to shit on people with less money or people who go more simplistic. No this is not an excuse to tell others how to parents or that they shouldn't do something. This is strictly a FINANCIAL discussion. Negative or rude comments will be deleted. 

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