rape culture

Not that there's a lack of examples of how ridiculous rape culture is, but here's another one to keep in mind. 
I have swam competitively since I was young. It has always been coed at almost all levels. In HS season boys and girls are separated. But spring and summer we all practice together again. Teenagers. Everyone in form fitting suits, boys in speedos. While there is always some flirting and such, to my knowledge we've all been able to control our hormonal bodies and focus on the work most of the time. There is accidental touching sometimes, running into each other, accidentally reaching to far, into the other lane. But we shake it off. 
My point is, if we normalize somethings, it won't be weird. Being nearly nude with largely the same group of kids for so many years, it's natural and we survived the awkward years.  We all have control. There have been no swim rapes I've heard of. I'm sure they've happened somewhere, but largely unscathed. Do you guys get my point?