Suddenly a single mother with no plan

I just very unexpectedly became a single mother. (Currently 39 weeks pregnant with my first). My fiancé just randomly up and left and moved across the country. Besides being emotionally devestated, I am also financially unprepared. I worked up until 32 weeks and then had to stop due to mandatory bedrest. We decided I would stay at home with baby after birth so I left my job. It wasn't too big of a deal because fiancé worked full time. We were doing fine financially. Now, I'm on my own. I have about $6,000 and owe about $900 in rent and utilities each month. Not to mention student loan bills that are piling up. I have no job, no childcare, and im a week away from my due date. What do I do? I feel so stupid for relying on him so much. I never ever saw this coming.