induced due to preeclampsia

I was induced at 38 weeks 2 days (I didn't give birth until 38.3) due to preeclampsia. I went to a an appointment and was told to immediately go to the hospital for induction. I was scared and shocked because I wasn't ready at all. I had my husband grab some stuff from home but honestly forgot to pack a lot of stuff in our hospital bag. 
I began my induction at around 3:00 with cervadil (not sure on the spelling) inserted next to my cervix once every 4 hours for 16 hours as I was only 1cm dilated. They contractions began right away and were very uncomfortable especially since I couldn't get out of bed for 2 hours after each insert. 
I was only dilated to 2 cm when they started my pitocin. I thought my contractions were bad to begin with but the pitocin was a whole different animal. I was having full contractions back to back and they were so strong! I was trying to do natural birth but 4 hours into the pitocin I couldn't take the pain anymore. They attempted the epidural 3 times before they finally got it. 
I felt like a failure for not being able to follow my birth plan and go natural. Little did I know, something happened to my epidural and right before it was time to push I started feeling everything again! When I finally pushed my little guy out we did immediate skin to skin and did a little breastfeeding. It was the hardest and most rewarding day of my life!