I arrived to L&D triage at 8:30 pm

Erin • Charlie born 10/20/16 ❤️
I arrived to L&D triage at 8:30 pm. I had been having contractions irregularly for 20 hours. I was told I was only dilated to a 4, but I was very thinned out and he was very low. They admitted me and planned to start pitocin to speed things along. Before that, I received an epidural which took almost an hour to place correctly. Contractions started getting more intense and closer together. After my epidural, the baby's heart rate began to drop for prolonged periods of time after a contraction. I tried to find a comfortable position and my water broke. After that, the baby became even more distressed. I had to receive an aminotic fluid infusion to help keep his heart rate up. I was told to get some rest, as it looked like we had a long night ahead of us. About 30 min later, the doc came back to check once more. I was a 10, and he said "it's time to have this baby". I pushed for 50 minutes. Each time the baby's heart rate dropped for a longer period of time. The doctor said I had one more chance or we would need to do a c section.  He used the vacuum and I pushed as hard as I could. The baby became stuck, and he had to do a grade 2 episiotomy. Finally, Charlie Boyd Fisher appeared at 2:52 am. My placenta was attached to a fibroid, which caused my sweet baby to have a low birth weight. He also had a small cleft palate. Otherwise, he is perfect and beautiful. We are so thankful.