does he like me???

Caroline • •And in the end the love you take is equal to the love you make• 🤘♐️
I've liked this guy on and off since 7th grade. In middle school we had one of those things that last a day, but by my 8th-9th grade (his 9th-10th) we kinda didn't talk as much anymore and did our own thing. By my sophomore year, we were on good terms again, but he had a girlfriend and I had a thing w this other guy so it was strictly platonic. By the summer going into my junior year (2015) he started flirting with me a lot more. I tried to brush it off, but the feelings came back. We vibe so well when we talk so it started off as kinda a banter thing, but then he became more obvious by playing with my hair/hugging me, telling me that he thought I was pretty, and he would even get edgy if he heard that other guys were into me. After a while of this flirtationship, I took him to my junior prom. Our chemistry was off the charts that night; it was like everything before but amplified, plus he gave me his tux jacket and we almost kissed. He's away at college now and he won't be home until Christmas.
I'm wondering if it seems like he's into me, and if I should tell him how I feel. I don't want to ruin our friendship if I tell him and he doesn't reciprocate, but I also don't want to miss the chance and wonder what could've been if he ends up with another girl. He's very popular with the ladies and can send mixed signals, I'm just so confused!