Fast Induction

Yesterday October 30th I was 41 weeks and 6 days pregnant. My doctor put me on the waiting list for an induction at 10 days overdue which was Thursday. By the time Sunday rolled around I was very stressed because my husband started his time off on Thursday so he could be there for the birth. I thought that if they took any longer to get me in that he'd miss it and there would be problems with my baby.
Sunday morning we got the call we had been waiting for and were told to come in for the induction at noon. 
I got there and was 1-2cm dialated so they put in gell to soften my cervix. By 3pm I was in active labor with contractions every 2minutes lasting 40-45 seconds. At this point I wasn't yet in L&D but was in another area on the same floor. They decided to check me an hour before they were going to because I was in a lot of pain and having consistent contractions. In 3 hours I got to 5-6cm and they sent me to L&D. 
My plan was to get the epidural all along but didn't end up getting it until 7cm around 8 because of the IV. The epidural itself was scary and the guy had to insert the needle twice. (The second time much better than the first) He hit a nerve the second time which made me scream out of fear (not pain) because I wasn't expecting it and didn't know it was normal to get a shooting sensation down one leg. 
Epidural gave me 1 hour of complete relief but I was progressing so quickly that when I got to 9.5cm I could feel everything again but I know that the contractions I was feeling then were no more painful than the ones I had gotten before the epidural. My vagina was completely numb so I'm very happy that I didn't have to feel the ring of fire when he came out but I still felt contractions while pushing which made me feel like I couldn't push him out. For me Pushing was the worst until I could feel his head crowning and that wasn't painful but I could feel the stretching. It gave me modivation to keep going. What really hurt was the shoulders and contractions. 
He was born in 8hours and I had absolutely no tears and needed no stitches. 9lbs 7oz. It still burns to pee but that's because they gave me a latex catheter after they knew I had a latex allergy, and my lady bits aren't happy.
All and all I think I'm quite lucky and I feel for women who have had it a lot worse than I.