On October 31st around 9pm I started having contractions every 2 minutes for a minute to a minute an...

On October 31st around 9pm I started having contractions every 2 minutes for a minute to a minute and a half long, my blood pressure shot up to 147/107 so we decided to go to L&D cause we knew it was time. We got to labor and delivery and went to triage and saw the doctor and I told her I had some itching and they did a test on my liver because she thought I had ICP, which means nothing to me but it is bad for baby, so she figured the maternal fetal medicine doctor would induce me because women with ICP need to be induced between 37 to 38 weeks or the risk of stillbirth raises by 15%. So he decided to induce me and we started pitocin at 9:30 because my contractions had slowed down dramatically, and I labored with bad contractions until about 11am then I got an epidural, the anesthesiologist came and did it and it was fast and didn't hurt, the medicine going in was weird but not painful, then I kept having contractions and the couldn't get them on the monitor so they broke my water (such a weird feeling!!!) and stuck a internal monitor in, and they kept loosing babies heartbeat so they inserted a little electrode into his head to monitor it. At 1:07pm I was at a ten and ready to push so I started practice pushes to see how I would do, and I pushed for less the 35 minutes and our son was born at 1:40pm on Halloween day, he was purple because his lungs had to much pressure in them, so I got to hold him for about 5 minutes because he could breathe on his own, and they took him to nicu to be on oxygen. I had a 2nd degree tear but I didn't feel it and got some stitches which I also didn't feel. Then we got moved to a postpartum room and after about 2 hours I got to go see Elliot in nicu and learned he has a huge possibility of having Down syndrome, they will know in a few weeks because testing take a bit, but he's perfect. He weighed 6lbs 8oz and was 19&1/2 inches long.  He is doing good now. I'm sore but not bad, I have minimal bleeding and I'm only mildly sore thankfully. Birth and delivery and post partum have been good to me. I am definitely enjoying mom life