Mommies, can I get some help???

I just got my bfp 10-26, two days after the health dept tested me and said it was negative. They said I couldn't come back til after 2wks. The hpt was a clear positive, so I figured I'd just wait the two wks. Yesterday I took another hpt and it was positive but it seemed to be much lighter then the one on the 26th. I asked about it yesterday and someone said it could have been that my urine was diluted. I called the health department to see if I could go ahead and come in this am instead of waiting til the 7th, they said no. But I'm very worried something could be wrong with my baby, plus I'm having lots of slight pains in my lower abdominal and I'm not sure if that's normal...I'm round about 5-6wks. Just needing some guidance in this and hopefully something to kinda ease my brain. Thanks in advance!