IUI round 2

Our family doesn't know we're ttc. I've told some coworkers and a couple close friends but I'm not sure they quite understand. We have been married 4 years. We have went thru 1 cycle last month. I took femara days 3-7, u/s day 11, trigger shot ovidrel day 13 and <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">iui</a> on day 15. I'm not sure I ovulated or if we just were off on timing. I tried to not get overly hopeful since my Dr said it usually takes 3 to 4 tries. We ordered 4 vials of donor sperm so 1 down. Started femera again today so fingers crossed, hoping this next round will be better. Lots of baby dust to you all lovely ladies. I've been reading lots of posts and got the courage to post my self.