emergency c section miracle baby

Baby Arabella Grace made an appearance three weeks early after trying a version to turn her her heart rate dropped to 40 beats per minute for several minutes- she was able to recover and they decided to just monitor us for a couple hours and after three hard contractions where her heart rate dropped at the peak every time they decided it was time to take her out. Ended up pulling her halfway out before realizing she had her cord wrapped around her neck twice and she was non responsive. They ended up cutting/ ripping my insicion from hip to hip and getting her out and tossing her around like a rag doll till she let out the loudest cry I've ever heard. She was perfectly fine and actually latched about 20 mins after being born without assistance after I finally got to meet her. She's been home for three days and she's amazing and I'm so in love. Best thing that's ever happened to us