No labour signs doesn't mean labour isn't near :)

I'm a FTM and I just wanted to share what happened to me regarding labour as I was sharing some of the frustration that I've read in this forum about having no signs that baby wants out any time soon!
At my last doc appointment where I was 39+6, we arranged to be induced a week later. I had not experienced any BH, any cramping or any other signs and since my 36 week appointment I had been 3cm. I quickly learnt that it meant 12:30am that night my water broke (there was no doubt it was fluid as I got the "gush") and off we went to the hospital. 14hrs later our little surprise (a girl!! 😍) was born on the 1st November (her due date!). 
So to those that have experienced no labour signs like me, don't let it get you down because your little miracle could be just about to surprise you.