Done with it all

I'm honestly so fed up with my life at this point I just can't seem to win I go to school and work my butt off then come home and work my butt off only to be told I don't do anything I do more work then all my classmates I do more housework then my siblings and my little brother still treats me like shit he has no idea how fucking hard I've had to work to get where I am he has a perfect life because he's the baby he does no wrong ever and my other brother is the same way because he is the first boy my parents had I've had a rough fucking life I've worked so hard to give my brothers a better one but they give no shits they don't have to do their chores they can do what ever they want I know it might not seem like a big deal but they just take whatever they want from my room food,drinks candy and my parents don't give a shit I'm honestly just done I'm so unhappy with my life lately I just can't do this anymore