bf drunk

So my bf decided to get drunk tonight and got real horny. So like most nights we were getting in the mood when all of a sudden he looks at me and tells me he's using me for sex so he can sober up.... then proceeds to ask me to get the whip cream (keep in mind he's plastered) so I go get it and then gets mad at me for doing so and slings it across the room, rolls over and passes out. We've been having a rocky path here lately and tonight was starting to get good but then in a blink of an eye it got completely ruined 😒 sorry just had to rant. 
UPDATE: he got up and ran to the bathroom to get sick (which in my opinion is what he gets for what he said) and when I tried being nice and offered to get in an ibuprofen to kill the headache he started to cus at me and say it's my fault he got sick cuz I wouldn't give it up to him. Needless to say the couch is my bff tonight!