Lonely Relationship


We've been together almost 4 years. lately though he's been distant, gone till 4-5 am and when he gets home he just plays on his phone.

I've been going through ALOT of bullshit lately and he "never has time" to comfort me. The only time I see him is when he comes home to sleep. Mind you he hasn't so much as attempted to cuddle let alone have sex for quite some time now. His most recent reasoning is "I just haven't felt like it" Which is extremely unlike him. A telephone pole can give him and instant boner. 😂 it doesnt take much .

Last night he informed me that he's going to go to an interview an hour away, and then move into a house his uncle owns. He always seems to be on his phone when he's here, and can't find the time to respond to a simple text or answer a phone call for the life of him.