Pregnancy dreams suck

Okay ladies I'm having a bit of a problem. A little back story: my husband takes his phone everywhere, and I mean everywhere, like hell take it to go pee. I've never really had a problem with it because I trust him explicitly 3000%. Well recently I've been having these dreams that seem so damn real, and they're about his fucking phone. I hate it. Like I'll go through his phone in my dreams and find porn or something and try to tell him it doesn't bug my but then hell say some big like "yeah,but its worse than that" and I'll be like "well you haven't hit anyone up right?" And hell be like "yeah I have" then I'll wake up. I tried talking to him about it this morning but he ki d of brushed me off I guess? Like he listened to me but he wasn't like yeah no that's fucking absurd here's my phone look thru it right now like I guess I thought he was going to?? Idk what to do because now that we've talked about it it's almost bugging me more because of his response lol. Hormones suck ass.