Horny but husband says im gross?

Kendra • Find your own happiness. Don't do what others expect of you. ~Baby Dust~

Hey so it's been about a week since my husband and I have had sex. Before that we had only had sex one time in two weeks and it was super boring he didn't even make me cum. He says that now that I'm pregnant I don't turn him in anymore and I'm gross. I clean myself very well and shave constantly. He is very attentive and loving and spoils me but I need that intimacy. We used to have sex twice a day and now I'm lucky if I get a quick rub. I feel so unwanted and ugly. He says he doesn't like my vagina because of the cm and that it tastes bad. I eat his fucking cum so I don't know why he's complaining. He's not scared of hurting the baby but just isn't attracted to me now. He loves me but isn't interested in sex and doesn't want to have sex for another year. He said it was to make sure all the "pregnancy juices" were gone. I have a very high sex drive and our marriage will suffer from the lack of intimacy. I don't know if I can do that and I think hes being unfair. He said well you shouldn't have gotten pregnant and I said it takes two. At the very least he could show some romance. He said he just isn't sexually attracted to me enough to try to take me on a date or anything. I understand sex isn't the most important thing but it still is important. It's how you bond with your SO. I love giving myself over to him completely and trusting him not to judge me. I feel so undesirable. He won't even buy me a vibrator( my old one wore out and doesn't work now). He says he still expects romance and blow jobs from my end because he works and I don't and it would be neglect on his end. I think that's a dick move. I haven't been giving him one and lately he is taking his phone and computer and running to the guest bedroom to masturbate. We always openly masturbate in front of each other and watch whatever porn we want and I enjoy watching. I went one day to check in him because he snuck off while I was sleeping and he yelled at me to get out. Why is he acting this way? Is there anything I can do to spice up the relationship? We have a Dom/sub relationship but I put that on hold for the baby. I don't want him to accidentally hit my belly or something. It was a very lax relationship to begin with. We still act in that manner but it's just toned down. Did he get a new sub? Why did he get me pregnant if he doesn't desire me? What can I do? Why is he going to the other room? Why is he so unattracted to me and how do I fix it? How can I make him desire me again? I took charge one day and he hated it but I was so desperate for some sort of attention. Please help. Any suggestions other than leaving him will be much appreciated.


If you haven't seen my post tonight my husband did something incredibly sweet. He gave me those items as a kind of apology. (I'm pretty sure he saw this post he looked at me while I was on it like he was about to cry) we did have sex but he was incredibly gentle. He said he doesn't want to hurt the baby. (I had to yell at him to go harder which worked but...ow) while the sex isn't my favorite we needed that. We had a heart to heart about our frustrations. He stands my me being gross but he doesn't like the idea of having sex with a pregnant woman. He has been reading Dr Google and it freaked him out. He also is exhausted from working extra hours. I think we made a big breakthrough about this argument. To those of you telling me to leave him, I do not give up on marriage that easily. I think you need to step back a realize the seriousness of this bond that marriage brings. Sex is going to stop eventually whether it be age, or sickness, or death. The bond of love and marriage is forever and I'm not about to end it over something as petty as this. Does it hurt? Yes. It hurts alot. I hate the pain of feeling unwanted. But you have to realize that this shit happens alot in marriage. You have to fight and work hard on it to make sure this love sticks and grows. I know the wounds haven't healed but we are taking a step in the right direction and working hard. We will not give up on marriage and our love over something so minuscule. If you are willing to then you need to step back and take a long look at your relationships. Thank you for your helpful advice to those of you who actually read my post and saw that I didn't wish to leave my husband. To those of you going through the same thing, I hope you come to some sort of impasse so that you and your spouses may move on from these struggles. I will continue to update you all on this journey we are going through. Have a wonderful life and baby dust to you all.