HELP! I want to BF again.

My daughter is 4 weeks old, her first week she was exclusively breastfed - being born via c section caused some complications on my part and I was in and out of the ER her second week. She was fed pumped BM and formula when she ran out of BM. By the third week I wanted to get back to BFing she had a hard time latching in the first place so I was a little worried she wouldn't at all at this point. She did! :) but after about 2 minutes being latched she would start fussing and flailing around causing her to delatch or damn near rip my nipple off (sorry lol). So I went back to pumping only.. then I gave up. It's been 4 days now where I haven't pumped or fed her from the boob.. my plan was to call it quits and dry up, but my mind changed. I really want this to work! None of my mom friends or relatives breastfed more than a week.. I plan for at least 6 months, so I need help mommies! How do I get my supply back? I've bought fenugreek today and mothers milk tea, and am going to start pumping ever 2 to 3 hours again even if u get barely anything from it. How long should I be pumping? How do I reinterest her to the breast? Because I was what you may call an exclusive pumper I haven't really gotten the just of what breastfeeding is like on a daily basis.. what should I expect? How often and how long should she feed? I know to check diaper output.. but right now I know I have little to no milk. So do I pump until my supply is back? Then breastfeed her only and pump after she feeds?? Ideally I want milk stored for when we go out.. I'm not a fan of breastfeeding in public due to my own insecurities. Lol.. information overload I know but my mind is going crazy and I need help sorting this all out! Thanks in advance.