First time mother of two

Advice for a new two kid Mom. My little one is now two weeks old and my 2 1/2 year old loves the baby but is acting out on me. I understand why he is acting out with this huge life event but I need some advice on how you moms handled it. No sleep, constant physical pain from birth and a two year old that had lost it. He goes around the house breaking stuff, huge tantrums, refusing naps, tearing up books, chucking toys, hitting, kicking, saying no to everything. I get to the point where I have to put the kids in their rooms and lock myself in the bathroom and cry and than come out and try again.  I'm trying to spend quality time with him, I'm trying to talk to him and help him express what he is feeling, I've tried scolding and not scolding. I'm at a loss at what to do and most of all at a breaking point.