Morning sickness return!!!

I'm 27 weeks pregnant and haven't had morning sickness for a long time, although I suffered badly from being about 6 weeks pregnant onwards for weeks and weeks. I haven't been getting much sleep and feel exhausted and thought this was the reason I was vomiting again, but after being sick yesterday morning and being off my food all day I had a early night and somehow managed to sleep. I woke up at 6:50 this morning and after about an hour and 20 minutes of being awake I was sick again. I have gone back to sleep since and woke up feeling miserably sick still, so I fear that my morning sickness has came back. Are there any foods that I will be able to eat whilst nauseous and vomiting? I need help with this as I don't want to just eat nothing, but I hate hate hate throwing food up (it's not so bad in the morning when it's acidy liquid). Can someone recommend food for me to go and get? Thanks