Feeling down :(

Let me start off with a back story.

I'm a 17 year old girl and mother of one. I was diagnosed with severe depression and anxiety at 10 so you can imagine the ongoing battle for that long. Anyways I'm in another rut. I've been with my boyfriend for almost 2 years and I knew he had epilepsy from day one but I never thought it'd be this hard with a baby. We live with my mom at the moment and she's been constantly nagging us about EVERYTHING . She thinks we don't take care of our daughter because she here's her cry for more than 1 minute and she busts into our room yelling "What are you doing to the baby!" WERE TRYING TO MAKE HER STOP CRYING. We're bouncing her, we're rocking her, we're singing to her, we're walking with her, we're playing with her, we're changing her Diaper, we're trying to feed her! That stresses me out. My boyfriend can't work so I need to get a part time job and my mom b%tches about that too. If I was in school I'd just be starting 10th grade as well. I just don't know what to do.